Internationale Zeitschrift für Unternehmertum



Applying the Principles of Corporate Governance and its Reflection on Improving Institutional Performance (Applied Study in the Services Sector)

Marwa Abdul Rahman Abdullah, Zaid aed mardan

 The research aims to review the most important principles of institutional governance and the extent to which it is applied in the service sector, as well as to show and clarify the reflection of the application of these principles to improve institutional performance, as the relationship between the principles of institutional governance  as an independent variable and institutional performance as the dependent variable was studied, and in order to achieve the advanced goals the researcher used the descriptive approach to obtain information on the theoretical aspect based on books, university letters and research published in scientific journals, as well as the use of the analytical approach after obtaining One of the most important results of the research was a correlation between the application of the principles of institutional governance and the institutional performance of the economic unit, which indicates a positive result, as well as indicating that the application of the six principles of institutional governance will be reflected in improving and raising institutional performance. Finally, the researcher came up with several Recommendations most notably supporting and activating the culture of economic units in general and service sector units in particular and society on the need to apply the principles of institutional governance through various media and publishing because of their key role in improving institutional performance, which in turn achieves the goals of economic unity and stakeholders alike.