Zeitschrift der Academy of Strategic Management



Bank Loan and Its Role in Real Investments in the Economy of the Russian Federation

Fiapshev Alim Borisovich, Kumekhov Konstantin Kolumbievich, Petrovskaya Maria Vladimirovna

 Introduction: Low investment in the real sector of the Russian economy is associated with insufficient performance of bank loans.

Methods: When performing the study, the methods of generalization, deduction, induction, synthesis, comparison, measurement, evaluation were used.

Results: The relationship between the volume of bank lending to non-financial organizations, their investments and innovative activity is weak.

Discussion: The role of bank loans in stimulating investment is constrained by factors that go beyond the monetary sphere for the most part.

Summary: A gap was recorded in the development of the banking system and the non-financial sector of the Russian economy. The increase in loan investments in the economy is not a factor in its growth and overcoming inequality. Solving these problems requires accelerating structural and institutional transformations and forms the basis for increasing the impact of bank loans on economic and investment dynamics.