Internationale Zeitschrift für Unternehmertum



Evaluating the Association Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Firm Performance

Azzam A Abou-Moghli, Ghaith Al-Abdallah

Corporate venturing and entrepreneurial orientation are extensively used as proxies of corporate entrepreneurship. Small and large companies are likely to face different challenges; therefore, both of them need to adopt different business strategies for achieving high performance. For instance, managerial and technical issues are faced by the small and large firms to generate innovation. The study has aimed to assess the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. A survey approach was used to collect and evaluate the primary data, and 152 questionnaires were distributed in different firms of Jordan. 40.1% of the participants have supported the role of corporate entrepreneurship in improving firm’s performance. Moreover, 42.8% of the participants have supported the role of corporate venturing in the growth and development of an organization. The positive association was identified between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. In response to this statement, 77 participants were neutral; however, 48 of them were agreed to this statement. Therefore, the study concluded that there is a strong relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance.