Internationale Zeitschrift für Unternehmertum



Innovation and entrepreneurship: Fallacies and disenchantments

Socorro Marquez, Felix O, Reyes Ortiz, Giovanni E

Not everything that is pointed out as a result of innovation has an empirical basis in reality, in some cases, the experiences, anecdotes, or initiatives have been exaggerated, adjusted to a particular audience, and even distorted to create an unreal picture of who they were or wanted to be. Those distortions could lead entrepreneurs to the acceptance of certain fallacies as facts and later facing some disenchantment that can affect the perception and understanding of the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation. Therefore, providing the entrepreneur with documented information that allows him to observe the business activity more objectively and thus adjust his expectations and improve decision-making could be considered as the justification for this study. Using a qualitative methodology, three fallacies and three disenchantments have been documented, considered for their value when projecting entrepreneurship based on the expectations they generate in young entrepreneurs.