Zeitschrift der Academy of Strategic Management



Instruments of Public Private Partnership as a Factor of Innovative Development of the Transport and Logistics Complex

Zeinegul Yessymkhanova, Shakizada Niyazbekova, Suzana L. Balova, Marija Troyanskaya, Vasiliy Varzin, Anton Zubets, Svetlana Anzorova

This article shows the state and prospects of innovative development of the transport and logistics sector of the economy of Kazakhstan on the example of the railway mode of transport, as a further effective development of the transport and logistics sector, and suggests tools for public private partnership. The developed set of recommendations on the use of public private partnership tools will contribute to the further development of the transport and logistics sector of Kazakhstan. Based on the theoretical assessment of the existing instruments of public private partnership, the conclusion is made of their effectiveness in the conditions of innovative activity of the subjects of the transport industry of the country. Therefore, an effective innovation policy carried out by the state is important in this regard, aimed at further development of innovative activities in the transport and logistics sector of the economy of Kazakhstan, based on mutually beneficial cooperation between state bodies and private business entities. The current State Program of infrastructure development "Nurly Zhol" for 2020 2025 is aimed at further development of the infrastructure of the transport industry of the state. To implement the main directions of this program, active work is being carried out to expand the capacity of the main railway network, implement road projects, create the necessary logistics infrastructure for transcontinental routes from the Pacific coast to the Persian Gulf and the Baltic States.