Zeitschrift für Managementinformation und Entscheidungswissenschaften



Lessons from Covid-19 Pandemic and its Reflection on Global Public Policy Formulation

Edwin Hernan Ramirez-Asis, Jaheer Mukthar KP, Roger Pedro Norabuena-Figueroa, Rosario Margarita Yslado, Martha Esther Guerra-Munoz

The fundamental accountability of the state is to determine and prosecute the appropriate policy measures for the health, safety and well-being of the people. It is also quite vital to make the citizens of the respective country to empower their economic prosperity. The global pandemic made a record of sudden increase of health and economic challenges internationally. As the covid-19 virus infected 207 million people and 3.3 million deaths across the globe from 2020 onwards and the spread is still moving on. Covid-19 has impacted badly on global health system, economic condition, and unemployment situation for many developing and poor countries in the world. Definitely, the policy maker’s responsibility to observe the present situation and address with appropriate public policy to save the people from virus and hunger. After the launch of vaccine for covid-19, many countries bounce back to new normal. But the lesson taught by the pandemic situation, alerted to revisit our existing policies is not commensurate with such kind of global pandemic. Certainly, the pandemic highlighted the critical need of the effective and efficient policies to revamp the economy and remap the health policy. During the first and second wave of the spread, affected and killed many lives due to non-availability of vaccine, medicines, oxygen, beds and other essential medical kits across the globe. The study is aimed to bring out the descriptive and statistical analysis of impact of pandemic and the need of crucial public policy to combat such situation and avoid great losses. This paper is articulated in different four segments such as history of various pandemic, existing policy and policy reflections from current pandemic at global level.