Zeitschrift für Managementinformation und Entscheidungswissenschaften



Meeting the Agricultural Logistics Requirements of Accommodation Enterprises in Sakarya, Turkey

Massoud Moslehpour, Ismail Bilgicli, Wing-Keung Wong, Quynh-Xuan Hua-Le

Two of the most important physiological needs of tourists are eating and drinking. Ä°t is impossible to have a satisfactory trip without consideration for those critical interests. Tourism enterprises function on the concept of customer satisfaction. Variety in food preparation should be in accordance with the time of the year, location and quality. The aim of this study is to investigate the mutual relationship of agricultural logistics and licensed accommodation enterprises operating in Sakarya, Turkey. The sample of this study includes three facilities of five-star, three facilities of four-star, eight facilities with three-star and one facility with twostar. All facilities are government certified facilities for food and agricultural products. Nineteen tourist markets of agricultural products contributed to the discovery of this study through faceto-face interviews. The findings of the study are the results of discussions with hotel managers and food industry producers. The data obtained for this study is from businesses supplying food and agricultural products to various types of accommodations facilities. Accommodation facilities participating in this study are of different status with different number of rooms and beds. The results indicate that the accommodation facilities give first priority to the agricultural producers surrounding their businesses. None of the participating tourist enterprises uses organic food products.