Zeitschrift der Academy of Strategic Management



Nexus among Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Change and Culture: Evidence from Lebanon

Tuzubekova Madina Konratbayevna, Tatyana V. Yarovova, Tatyana P. Kovshova, Vitaly G. Pichugin, Alexey S. Govorkov, Natalia V. Arsenyeva, Vasyl Rossikhin, Natalia Alekseevna Prodanova

It's a difficult task to describe the organizational transition because of the many contributions present in literature. To generate impact in an enterprise, we should define organizational change as an economic, financial, cultural, human or technical shift. To stimulate corporate growth, we can also view organizational change as several theories, values, strategies and techniques which aim to change the workplace. Although the concepts accessible for characterizing organizational transition are heterogeneous, we may describe them broadly as a mechanism initiated by an organization to satisfy a resolute need for growth. Personnel engagement in decision-making not only builds confidence but also helps to deter negative and harmful attitudes and behavior. The research implemented a mixed approach methodology throughout distributing a questionnaire over 400 respondents and maintaining 370 answers, and the throughout conducting in-depth interviews in Small Medium Enterprises in Lebanon. The results revealed that change management tends to affect job satisfaction in a positive way but this change should be managed effectively and efficiently. Commitment and Culture tends to play an important role in implementing change management practices.