Zeitschrift für Managementinformation und Entscheidungswissenschaften



Project Management Technologies in Public Administration

Aleinikova, O., Kravchenko, S., Нurochkina, V., Zvonar, V., Brechko, O., & Buryk, Z.

The article discusses project management technologies in public administration. Two technologies were used for the purpose of comparison. The first one is classic based on Waterfall, i.e. a consecutive method of developing projects. The second technology is flexible, suitable for integrated project development and based on agile approach. The study analyzes the scientific papers determining the need for agile technology not only in business processes and the IT industry, but in public administration as well. Both successful and failed experience of introducing automation of management in the developed countries is investigated. The main problems related to the use of agile technologies in public administration are defined. The main advantages and disadvantages of using this technology compared to the classical one are considered. The paper defines the concept of agile technology in public administration, as well as its types, which are most frequently used to organize the development of government projects.