Zeitschrift der Academy of Strategic Management



Strategic Guidance Framework for Sustainable Development in the Construction Industry

Niphon Silalert, Nilawan Sawangrat, Punsavadee Pongsiri

Objectives: This research aims to study strategic guidance framework for sustainable development in the construction industry in Thailand.

Methodology: This research is to strategic guidance framework for sustainable development in the construction industry by using Qualitative and Quantitative Research to develop structural equation model. A sample group in this quantitative research was 500 entreprenuers of active construction industry in Thailand which is categorized into small and medium and large industry. Then qualitative reseach using fovus group technique was finally carried out to verify the guidance.

Findings: Research results showed that 1) strategic guidance framework for sustainable development in the construction industry consisted of 4 components; learning organization, organization innovation entrepreneurship, and performance organization. Learning organization was noted with the highest level of performance by large and small and medium industries with 4.20 and 4.11 mean, respectively. It was also found in the results that both large and small and medium industries focused on the others at high level., 2) development of structural equation model corresponded to the evaluation criteria and was fit to empirical data with 0.114 of Chi-Square Probability Level, 1.134 of Relative Chi-Square (CMIN/DF), 0.964 of Goodness of Fit (GFI), and 0.016 of Standard Root Mean Square Actual (RMSEA), and 3) hypothesis-tested results showed that entrepreneurship directly effects on learning organization, organization innovation , and organization performance with 0.001, .001, and .001 of statistical significance, respectively while learning organization directly effects on organization innovation with .001 of statistical significance, and the organization innovation directly effects on organization performance with .001 of statistical significance.

Conclusion: The strategic guidance framework for sustainable development in the construction industry consisted of 4 components; learning organization, organization innovation. entrepreneurship, and performance organization. Learning organization was noted with the highest level of performance by large and small and medium industries according to evaluation weight determination using Likert’s scale with 4.20 and 4.11 mean, respectively. It was also found that the development of structural equation model corresponded to the evaluation criteria and was fit to the empirical data with 0.114 of Chi-Square probability level, 1.134 of Relative Chi-Square (CMIN/DF), 0.964 of Goodness of Fit (GFI), and 0.016 of Standard Root Mean Square Actual (RMSEA).