Zeitschrift der Academy of Strategic Management



The Current Relationship Between the Stock Market and Real Estate Market and Its Effect on the Planning Process in the Banks of Jordan

Marwan M. Shammot

Human capital is a phrasing that centers around the all-out limits, ability, knowledge, abilities, imagination, energy and eagerness claimed by people working in associations, since they have the limits, possibilities and encounters are the certified capital and generally compelling. The connection between human capital and knowledge can be deciphered as twins' relationship, since one of them supplements the other. Human capital addresses the knowledge and abilities of people working in an association, and the wealth of the scholarly psyche is described by the creation of knowledge which is fundamental for the endurance of the association and its turn of events. Such mixture between human capital and knowledge is a helper and a driver towards accomplishing the upper hand that spurs producing novel thoughts. The paper featured the significance of human capital for associations as a basic and novel source that is hard to imitate or copy. It additionally shed light on the patterns of estimating human capital and its significance in developing the associations' propensity towards understanding their human assets. Moreover, the examination paper zeroed in on recognizing the measurement challenges at that point talking about their prerequisites just as giving instances of measurement techniques applied by current business associations.