Zeitschrift für Managementinformation und Entscheidungswissenschaften



The role of financial vigilance in predicting possible financial distress among foreign banks

Shakatreh, M. Y., Abu Orabi, M. M., & Shammout, B. R. T.

Current study aimed at explaining how financial vigilance may aid financial managers and specialist in spotting possible alarms of financial distress and plan an organizational exit from crises and distress. Reaching this aim was done through adopting variables that constitute the idea of financial vigilance including (Foresight, Awareness, AIS Applications and Human Capital). Depending on quantitative approach, a self-administered questionnaire was distributed on (79) financial managers within (9) foreign banks in Jordan. Results of study indicated an influence of financial vigilance on predicting possible financial distress that is attributed to adopting high profile accounting information systems technologies and trustworthy staff members to form the intellectual capital of the bank. Study recommended investing more in accounting information systems for smarter outcomes in order to support decision makers making informed decisions.