Zeitschrift der Academy of Strategic Management



Word of Mouth Advertisement Using Self-Service Technology in Creating Satisfaction and Loyalty

Ludfi Djajanto, Hanif Mauludin, Rusdi Hidayat Nugroho, Abdul Muqit, Sugeng Hadi Susilo

The study aims to explain the impact of the advertisement of Word of Mouth and Self-Service Technology on customer satisfaction and loyalty in era pandemic Covid-19. Furthermore, this research is also to find out whether Word of Mouth is one of the important things in convincing the public to use online transactions when buying a product or service. The data is collected using a questionnaire that has been evaluated for validity and reliability, mainly the Average Variance Extracted and composite reliability. The purposive sampling strategy was employed to obtain data in this study. The number of samples is 200 respondents who have the characteristics of having received information from Word of Mouth related to online transactions using self-service technology. With the help of Partial Least Square (PLS) software, the statistical analysis method utilizes descriptive evaluation and path analysis. The finding of this research shows that word of mouth has a positive and significant effect on implementing Self-Service Technology and increasing customer satisfaction. Thus, positive word of mouth will affect increasing customer confidence in implementing Self-Service Technology so that it will affect increasing customer satisfaction. However, the study also found that word of mouth did not directly affect customer loyalty. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty.