Zeitschrift für Organisationskultur, Kommunikation und Konflikt



Analysis of Communication Functions on Relationship Escalation within the Organization Committee Scope of the Coordinated Management Meaning Theory

Trinia Rachmawati*

Initially, based on Wiryanto's opinion, the science of communication was specialized into interpersonal communication, mass communication, political communication, organizational communication, cross-cultural communication, learning communication, health communication, and information systems. Communication is not only seen as an event but also as a science to identify something that happens in the human social environment. Without being used as the basis of science, communication that is only used for interaction can create a war. The majority of people in general, consider that understanding communication is something trivial because even since ancient times humans have communicated using media that adjusts the situation. In reality, communication is not only about talking but also the process of achieving an understanding of the people involved in the communication itself. This article uses a qualitative method that is descriptive and uses analysis in its discussion. The research instruments used in this article are journals and electronic books from various sources that have discussions in accordance with the title of this article, namely the Communication Function in Relationship Escalation. The function of communication for each individual is basically to build self-character. The formation of a person's character begins since he was born in the world, in a family environment which is the first small organization of a child where he grows and develops according to the teachings adopted by his family. Communication functions as a relationship builder when messages are created based on a process that shows the addition of relationship ties.
