Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen



Cross-Regional Analysis of Demographic, Criminogenic, Economic, Socio-Cultural Factors Impact on Delinquency Indicators Dynamics

Ekaterina V Ilgova, Irina O Kuznetcova, Mikhail V Gorbachev, Arseny Starodumov

The article deals with analysis of the impact of criminogenic, economic, social, sociodemographic, socio-cultural factors of Russian Federation constituents’ development on delinquency level dynamics. The peculiarities of criminogenic space of Russia were considered on the basis of data presented on Crime Statistics portal of the Office of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Russian Federation constituents were combined in several classes in accordance with the criminal activities level, including the delinquency level, depending on the number of crimes committed in a constituent territory: low, medium, medium-high, high. Within the research there were also analyzed statistical indicators of Russian Federation constituents’ socio-economic development: general socio-economic indicators of the regions (on the basis of Russian Federal State Statistics Service (RFSSS) ratings); indicators of quality of living in the RF constituents (on the basis of RFSSS indices); unemployment level (on the basis of RFSSS information); indicators of household welfare level (on the basis of RFSSS ratings).