Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen



Environment and Political Ecology in the Mokaná Indigenous Culture of Struggle (Malambo, Colombia)

Lina Marcela Martinez Durango, Guissepe D'Amato Castillo, Doris del Carmen Navarro Suarez, Yudys Esther Berdugo Blanco

 This paper analyzes the recent history of an indigenous community in Latin America. Its justification is the study of the struggle of the Mokaná indigenous people (Colombia) for the conservation of their territories, access to land for crops and water channels that have historically allowed them to subsist. The cultural, economic and social structure of the Mokaná community will be studied based on exchanges with neighboring peoples in the Colombian Caribbean region, as well as their recent struggles against environmental damage, climate change, State abuses and private companies for the conservation of their ancestral territories. This paper, through an analytical and descriptive methodology, with a qualitative approach, studies the prerogatives granted by international law to indigenous peoples, and the processes of socialization of projects and concessions to public and private entities in the territories in order not to trample the collective self-determination of indigenous communities.