Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen



Fraud Prevention and Supervision for Accountable Election

Sunarto, Iwan Hardi Saputro, Nugraheni Arumsari, Didi Pramono, Widiyanto

This research describes the vulnerabilities in the 2019 election and the efforts of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of Wonosobo Regency to prevent as well as to supervise and take action against violations in the 2019 election. The data collection used the interview and documentation study; the data analysis stage through organizing data, coding, finding data themes and their relationship to each other; as well as data interpretation for drawing conclusions. The research findings show that Bawaslu's efforts in election supervision include prevention efforts by focusing on vulnerabilities that have the potentials to lead to fraud; and efforts to prosecute violations as a follow-up to election supervision. The vulnerability in holding elections includes vulnerability in campaigns, voting, neutrality of the civil service apparatus, money politics, and politicization of ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group sentiments. To prevent violations in elections, it is carried out by forming participatory supervisory cadres and forming anti-money politics villages by involving community participation.