Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen



Implementation of Welfare State Principles in the Russian Federation: Problems of Legal Regulation and Law Enforcement Practice

Tigran T. Aliev, MariiaA. Bulavina, Olga A. Barbotina, Inna V. Zaikina, Rayganat I. Naibkhanova

The urgency of the problem under study is due to the issues arising in the process of attempts to build a welfare state; current situation in the Russian Federation at present stage of statehood and social phenomena development, as well as the difficulties that arise in the normative regulation of these groups of social relations. In this regard, this article is aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the issues of welfare state formation that arise when trying to settle them by the national legislator. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a comparative legal analysis of the European and domestic experience to build a social security system and the impact of the European Court of Human Rights practice on it. The article summarizes problematic points associated with the search for an optimal domestic model of social security, as well as a doctrinal approach to the topic under consideration.