Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen



Modern Approaches to the Process Content of Solution and Investigation of Terrorist Criminal Activities in the Context of the Current Criminal Procedure Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic

Klara A. Isaeva, Almambet A. Saliyev, Irina N. Vorontsova, Zhenishbek M. Dzhorobekov

The article presents modern theoretical views on the content components of the process of solution and investigation of crimes, taking into account the specifics of terrorist criminal acts in the context of the CPC of the Kyrgyz Republic, which entered into force on January 1, 2019. formal-logical means and methods of cognition of the problem under study are used. On the basis of the conducted research, the authors set out their own vision of the criteria for the concepts of "solution" and "investigation" of crimes, as well as argued the position of the need to review the traditional three stages of investigation and select five stages, which is justified by the emergence of the distinctive features of the new criminal procedure legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and the specific features of the group of interrelated terrorist crimes. The five stages proposed by the authors are described. The distinctive features of each of them are presented. An actual aspect as information and analytical support of crime investigation, including the structural elements of such system is thoroughly described. The result of the research with regard to the “four-link” traditional system of forensics as a whole is presented. This system is unacceptable because it has lost its internal unity and order, and therefore authors recommend revising it as a "five-link" system with the sub-sections presented in the article. According to the authors this system meets the new trends and scientific-theoretical directions observed today.