Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen



The Legal Regulation of Non-Profit Corporations and their Work Challenges in Palestine

Naeem Jamil Saleh Salameh

The current study tested the legal regulation of the non-profit corporations (NPCs) in Palestine, as NPCs were regulated by the Palestinian Legislature in the Decree-Law Code No. 6 of 2008. This legislation helped NPCs to engage with different kinds of community services especially because their role implements as a third sector which helps in society developing process. In 2010, the Palestinian Council of Ministers issued a new regulation regarding NPCs, and the Corporations Controller was granted the authority to register them, supervise them, and control their activities, then NPCs start struggling in doing their role and now they are facing “existential challenge” to their legal regulation, which affected negatively their activities. Based on the current findings, study recommends facilitating the role of NPCs by suggesting new strategies which including developing the management system of these corporations and offer the governmental support to help them achieving their goals