Zeitschrift für rechtliche, ethische und regulatorische Fragen


Volumen 25, Ausgabe 4 (2022)


Pragmatic Approach to Upholding the Rights and Protection of the Girl Child in Nigeria: Lessons from Other Jurisdictions

  • Rose Ohiama Ugbe, Shishitileugiang Aniashie Akpanke Patrick Chukwunonso Aloamaka, Pascal Bekongfe Aboh


An Assessment of Legal and Regulatory Implications of Practicing Sustainability Marketing in the Ghanaian Telecommunication Sector

  • Benjamin Baroson Angenu, Ibn Kailan Abdul-Hamid, Winston Aseidu Inkumsah


Curbing Unfair-Dismissal of Workers in Nigeria: What Lessons from Other Countries?

  • Andrew Ejovwo Abuza, Kingsley Omote Mrabure


Regulatory Effect of Performance Appraisal Reactions on Legal Employee Performance Mediated by Employee Engagement

  • Sophan Mahdiyana, Entang Adhi Muhtar, Ira Irawati, Candradewini


Critical Appraisal and Analysis of the Bahraini Aviation Law

  • Nashat Mahmoud Abdalla Jaradat