Zeitschrift für Unternehmerpädagogik



Future Trends in Entrepreneurship Education: Re-Visiting Business Curricula

Saurav Pathak

Entrepreneurship education and pedagogy (EEP) has come a long way over the past two decades. The mindset of entrepreneurship students has changed along with, and is bound to continue to change further. Hence, there is need to revisit our current business curricula and adapt EEP to meet the current and future expectations of our entrepreneurship students. We can do so by identifying recent trends and what the future is likely to look like for entrepreneurship education. This study will point to some of those recent trends and offer best-practice suggestions when designing courses, programs or curricula in entrepreneurship. In particular, implications of: (1) the plausibility of incumbent business organizations and entrepreneurial start-ups likely to look similar in the future, (2) the thought process of our current generation of students, (3) the benefits of citizenship behavior toward sustaining entrepreneurial universities, (4) the value in exposing our students to non-traditional jobs and (5) the evaluation of emotional intelligence of students-on EEP will be discussed in this article.
